
Innovative PTSD Treatment Reduces Suicide Risk Among Veterans

The Big Picture: New research from The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center introduces crisis response planning (CRP) as a promising intervention to swiftly diminish suicide risk in military veterans undergoing intensive PTSD therapy, according to Medical X Press.



Zoom Out: The study focuses on veterans treated with cognitive processing therapy (CPT), highlighting the link between PTSD and increased suicidal thoughts and behaviors.



By the Numbers: The research involved 157 military members and veterans, demonstrating significant reductions in the severity of suicidal thoughts with CRP compared to traditional safety planning.



What We’re Hearing: Dr. Craig J. Bryan, the study’s principal investigator, emphasizes CRP’s effectiveness during “massed” therapy sessions—intensive daily treatments that span two weeks.



Between the Lines: CRP stands out as a low-cost, effective method that not only reduces suicidal thoughts but also decreases the occurrence of suicide attempts among participants.



The Backstory: PTSD is prevalent among veterans and often leads to a higher incidence of suicide, necessitating the development of effective interventions like CRP.



What’s Next: Future research will explore the applicability of CRP in conjunction with other treatments to see if similar reductions in suicidal thoughts and behaviors can be achieved across different patient groups and clinical settings.



Why It Matters: Addressing mental health in veterans is crucial for their reintegration and well-being. Effective treatments like CRP provide hope and practical tools for reducing suicide risk.



The Bottom Line: The study’s findings support the use of CRP as a vital component of PTSD therapy for veterans, showcasing the potential to significantly improve mental health outcomes.


The Life Anew Angle: Life Anew Behavioral Health, with its commitment to empowering and providing holistic mental health services, can integrate approaches like CRP to enhance the support offered to veterans and other BIPOC communities. By adopting such innovative and tailored treatment plans, Life Anew helps ensure that veterans not only receive care that acknowledges their unique experiences but also promotes resilience and productivity in their daily lives. This aligns with Life Anew’s mission to restore mental health and value within the community, reinforcing its role in advancing mental health equity and effective treatment.