
Kids in Crisis: The Rising Mental Health Struggles Among Ohio’s Youth

The big picture: Mental health issues in Ohio’s youth have spiked post-pandemic. Kids are facing higher rates of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation, with social media, loss of structure, and pandemic-related trauma amplifying the crisis, according to the Dayton Daily News.

By the numbers:

  • 37% of Ohio’s youth report feeling sad or hopeless, a 10% increase from pre-pandemic.
  • 1 in 5 kids have had a major depressive episode, and over half didn’t receive treatment.

The backstory: COVID disrupted stability—social isolation, parental job loss, and remote schooling removed key support systems for many children. Experts and community leaders agree the pandemic “threw gasoline on the fire” of rising mental health challenges.

What we’re hearing: Niko Collier, a Central State student, struggled with suicidal thoughts after his father’s death by suicide. His story reflects the deep personal and communal efforts to provide mental health support through therapists, community pastors, and family.

What’s next: Schools are becoming more trauma-informed, with counselors helping students rebuild social skills and address anxieties. The On Our Sleeves movement aims to destigmatize mental health struggles and encourage youth to seek help.

Why it matters: Addressing childhood trauma and adverse experiences early can prevent long-term negative outcomes, including future poverty and health disparities. Solutions need to be proactive, focusing on mental health education and accessible resources.

The Life Anew Angle: For BIPOC and underrepresented communities, particularly those like Niko who face compounded trauma from loss, systemic challenges, and discrimination, access to behavioral health services is crucial. Life Anew Behavioral Health is committed to empowering families and communities by providing holistic, culturally-sensitive mental health care. Their mission is to create tailored treatment plans that uplift individuals, helping them feel valued and become productive members of society. Through increased awareness and support, we can ensure mental health services reach those who need it most.

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