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Specialising in the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of mental health disorders.
Addressing America’s Mental Health Crisis

The big picture: The U.S. is grappling with a severe mental health crisis exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Anxiety and depression levels have skyrocketed, affecting Americans of all ages. A CNN/Kaiser Family Foundation poll revealed that 90% of Americans believe we are in a mental health crisis, according to this Pew Research Report. The backstory:...

Ohio Expands Mobile Mental Health Services for Youth

The big picture: Ohio is expanding mobile response services for youth under 21 experiencing a mental health crisis. Currently, only 47 of the state’s 88 counties have access to these services, but the state is aiming for statewide coverage by January 2025, according to the Dayton Daily News.   Catch up quickly: Ohio’s Department of...